If you were born in any of these years, your Chinese zodiac is a dog.
1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030
The dog is:
Loyal, faithful, and true, people born in the Year of the Dog make the best of friends.
As such, they often inspire confidence in others and are always willing to help those in need.
The Dog is not showy, and sometimes can be shy at social gatherings. Their role is more apt to be as good listeners, and they usually make good companions for the more demonstrative or gregarious personalities of the zodiac.
A born worrier, the Dog people can sometimes bark and bite at those around them, or become highly critical of others who do not share their same highly developed sense of honor and duty. Conversely, Dogs may become quiet, cool and judgemental with loved ones who arouse their anger, but they will always remain devoted.
Although young Dogs are apt to find fault at every passing injustice, the more mature will usually grow less anxious and take matters far less seriously as they age. Their basic ideal of guarding against the wrongs of society as a whole stays with them, however. It is certainly always the Dog who can be relied upon to speak up for the disenfranchised and downtrodden.
Dogs do not consciously seek out riches, but neither do they ever want for creature comforts. With their considerable talents and innate qualities, Dogs usually excel as effective social activists, teachers, nurses or doctors.
Dogs can be overly shy when making friends or courting someone. If they are interested, they want to make certain you are as well before expressing any interest. They are emotionally sensitive people, who don't take wounds to the heart very easily. As a lover, Dogs are compassionate, supportive partners, eager to hear about your day at work or the project you just finished. They share the highs and lows of being in love, defending their partners to anyone who attacks them.
If you were born in any of the following years, you are a monkey
The monkey is:
Monkeys, of all the other signs, are the most promiscuous. They are flirtatious and like to seek the attention of others to get what they want. They are easily bored and must be stimulated intellectually as well as physically in order to stay around for extended periods of time. The Monkey can be clever, mischievous and manipulative when pursuing a love interest.
Monkeys are fun and loving persons who are always cheerful and energetic. They are very clever. Give a monkey a boring book to read and he'll turn it into a Musical. Better yet, he'll invite everyone to see it free! That's how talented, creative and generous monkeys usually are.If you go to a party, you'll find Monkeys at the center of attention. Their charm and humor is the key to their popularity. Sociable and diplomatic as they may appear, they can be deceptive sometimes - they hide their opinions of others beneath their friendliness. But they don't hide their emotion. You can probably tell how a monkey is feeling from miles away - he wants everyone to know how happy or depressed he is.
Monkey people are very good at problem-solving. Wherever you are, whoever you may be, if you've got a problem pick up the phone and dial-a-Monkey. Monkeys know how to listen closely and work out solutions at the same time. And because Monkeys' curiosity, they usually have a great thirst for knowledge. Still they have few scruples - they could be unreasonable sometimes, and they have the ability to persuade themselves and everyone around them to believe that they are doing the right things. Some say monkeys are self-centered, some say they are opportunistic, some say they are guileful, but monkeys couldn't care less - because they are also indifferent.If you were born in the following years you are a snake:
1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001
A snake is:
Snakes have always been the seducers of human beings. If you know the story of "The White Snake", you will understand what I mean. In reality, Snake people are born charming and popular. Snakes are spotlight magnets, and they will not be ignored. Peer group attention and public recognition are the least of what he expects. Yet Snakes are never noisy or deliberately outspoken, and they have have excellent manners.
Unlike the Snake who seduced Eve in to sin. the astrological Snake, is not a devil, not even a little demon. The Snake is a nice oversexed normal human being. Determined to follow through anything he undertakes to the bitter end, the Snake detests being left in the air. He makes his decisions quickly and firmly.
Most people are secretly or hopelessly in love with Snakes. Gather those frustrated folk you know and most likely, they are probably in love with a Snake. Irresistible as they seem, the Snake never wastes time in idle gossip. He thinks often and deeply. He is an intellectual, a philosophers, a cerebral person. Snake people rely heavily on first impressions, on their own feelings, on their sympathies, rather than on facts, on the advice and opinions on others. He seems to have a kind of sixth sense in this way.
Snakes are a bit tight when it comes to lending money, though his sympathy for others often leads him to offer help. The fatal flaw in his character is, in fact, a tendency to exaggerate - in helping friends as with everything else. If he does somebody a favor, he becomes possessive towards them in an odd way.
Another big flaw in a Snake's character is that, they are capable of biggie lies. White lies, true lies, whatever they call them, though they don't lie often, they do lie when they feel they can get away from it.
In money matters, the Snake has good luck: he doesn't have to worry - he'll always be able to lay his hand on money when he needs it. Generally, Snakes are careful but generous with friends and family. The Snake should stick to careers that won't involve him in any risk - even the risk of working too hard, for to tell the truth, the Snake is a bit lazy.