I want to believe you and give you all things I am capable of, but love is dangerous for a woman like me. A rare breed that has so much power, he or she is incapable of using it. Lately I've been lining myself with the universe and instead of giving energy to you or anyone else, I want to give it to the world.
A long time ago, a dear friend of mine said I don't need anything from anyone else because everything that I need is within me. I never understood what that meant until now.
How could I? So clouded by negative energy and cynicism, I was the only one standing in the way of anything I truly wanted. The laws of the universe are such a powerful thing and I've come to learn them quite well.
I wonder if the greatest leaders in the world held this possession close to their heart; the secret to life.
The secet lies within all of our hearts; it is up to us to release the power in our minds so that we may have everything we so desire.
Whenever the universe gives me a sign, I run with it. Whenever I have an inspired thought, I cultivate it.
For example I've been working on my teaching degree for a few years now , Easy enough. I could've earned a teaching position by now, but some tiny little voice inside of me said to continue substituting and work at call centers to avoid handling any true respnsiblilty.
The universe felt this wasn't right and like that I was fired without warning or anything. "Ms. Williams, please excuse yourself from your desk and come down to the human resources office." Have no fear the universe is here! I used my time of unemployment efficiently by writing and reading books.
I soon began to embrace loneliness for now I understand that being lonely does not show weakness but only exposes strength in its truest form. The universe has opened me up to what is rightfully mine for whatever I ask I shall receive
Anything that stands in the way of what the universe has planned for me must be extracted from my life at once.
fo I now undestand that