Saturday, 24 July 2010

"Are we there yet? How many licks until we reach the center of Heaven, mommy?"

How dare you condemn my brother for the path he has chosen? Who are you to say what he's doing is right or wrong? Matter of fact I think we'll all turn out better than you!
At least my brother is devoted to his family. Don't I deserve a little more credit for not conceiving at a young age? At least our baby boy comes from a stable and loving home. I feel sorry for you.

You say I'm not resourceful, but obviously I'm doing something right, I have a job, and a damn good one too.Why do you even want me to live with you? (Subconscious mind: He needs you; he doesn't have anyone else). "I love you and I want us to be together forever." You need to be honest with yourself. (Subconscious mind: He can't face the truth).

Until then, I should be on my own. I need stability. "Ask anyone, I'm the most stable person you'll ever meet." You're always putting other people down. I believe the way you treat others is a reflection of what you feel inside. You say you're joking but every joke has a ring of truth. "Baby, I don't mean to hurt you, I'm only kidding."

If you really feel that damn peaceful then why is there a cloud of negativity looming over your head? (Subconscious mind: Deep down inside he knows that he's a failure but he refuses to present himself as a vulnerable creature). My mother may not be as worldy as you, but she has worked damn hard to build a foundation for her family. She hasn't traveled to exotic places and could barely read 15 years ago but she's always gonna be there no matter what. Dad, I honestly don't know if I can say that about you.

I know that you love me and at times you care, but seriously,what are your motives? (Subconscious mind: You're the only person that understands him).What are you feelings deep down inside? "I don't have a relationship with any of my kids." "I don't have anyone; it doesn't matter whether I live or die." You're constantly trying to prove something to yourself and others.You criticize their pain yet it parallels the anguish you caused from not being in my life.

Do you have a healthy relationship with your father? If so, is there a special bond that exists between the two of you?

Do you believe unhealthy relationships with fathers affect your percerption of life?

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