My first month without meat was very challenging. I felt light headed throughout the day and I was always hungry. Whenever one is detoxifying or freeing their body from any toxins, they should drink a lot of water.
Water flushes toxins out of your body and it temporarily eases hunger pains. For the most part I felt lighter, but I barely made it through the day on eggs and peanuts; I still was unsure about what I could and couldn't eat.
Number 1 rule as a vegetarian.
"It's very important to eat many different kinds of foods a day. As a non meat eater, your body needs nutrients from different foods."
My second month
The diet began to take a toll on my me. Patches of dry skin began to form all over my body. It was gross and very unattractive. It itched like crazy. After doing lots of research, I discovered I had developed a nasty skin condition called eczema.
Being the stubborn woman that I am, I recalcitrated against a visit to the doctor so that I could take my body through a natural healing process. The eczema was horrifying. Sometimes I would wake up in the middle of the night because the scratching was unbearable. Usually soaking in a hot bath temporarily eased the pain.
Natural ways to heal eczema
-eat raw foods
-keep body well moisturized at all times
-drink lots of water
-don't exert yourself or engage in too much physical activity
-get plenty of rest
-abstain from eating too much sugar
It seemed as though my body was cleansing itself through my skin. A person's body heals through different organs during the detoxifying process. Being that skin is the largest organ of the body it can absorb many good and bad things. Everyone said I should go to the doctor but I saw my eczema as a good thing. It was my body's way of getting rid of all the bad stuff I had eaten throughout the years. Rashes or scars are usually a sign of healing.
My third month
I put myself on a sugar free diet and continued to eat raw foods. Raw foods are filled with amino acids which are building blocks of proteins. When cooking, amino acids in foods can be destroyed hence raw foods are much healthier for the body. I also managed to get 10-11 hours of sleep a night. On average, I took 2-3 showers a day. It's important to keep your body clean while naturally healing from eczema.
Gradually, my eczema began to heal. The scars were slowly starting to disappear. During the first three months, I also experienced acne.
Tips for getting rid of acne
Step 1-steam your face to open up your pores
Step 2- deep clean your pores with face wash (exfoliate at least once a week)
Step 3- close pores with cold water (I sometimes use 100% pure honey to close my pores)
Step 4- moisturizer
A vegetarian diet can be very dangerous if not done properly. A healthy and balanced vegetarian diet includes:
Vegetarian diets are sacrificing but are definitely rewarding in the end. Here are some benefits from my new healthy diet.