Damsels in distress, why are we so afraid of opening up and loving our men unconditionally? I absolutely loathe those four brooding words: He cheated on me!
"He cheated on me; he doesn't deserve me; I'm leaving him.
Let's take a step back and focus on the real issue: Have you ever stopped to think why he cheated on you? When a man cheats, it doesn't mean he doesn't love you; it's just his indirect way of saying you don't recognize his worth.
"But doesn't he know how much I appreciate him?"
Let's look at some reasons men don't feel adored by their significant others:
1. When your boyfriend confronts you, do you berate him like a four year old child, or do you openly listen to what he has to say?
2. Do you make him feel incompetent even though he gives it his all?
3. Do you make him feel trusted and appreciated by focusing on the positive things he has done for you?
Ladies, once our men start to feel useless and overlooked, resentment settles in. Once he resents you, there's a big chance he'll end up cheating on you.
Consistently cherishing his love may assuage his desires to be with another woman.
Lisa and John have been dating for nearly 3 years. Once Lisa discovered John was cheating, she immediately shut him out and denied all chances of loving him again.
"I don't understand your motives in seeking sexual satisfaction outside this relationship."
John loves Lisa very much, but his needs and ambitions are completely unfathomable to her.
He needs to feel as though Lisa is gaining something from this relationship; instead John believes he is a complete waste of her time.
Men do everything in their power to solve women's problems and make their lives easier. If we as women constantly reject our men's right to support us, they may seek comfort elsewhere.
John tries to talk to Lisa, but whenever he does he feels hopelessly rejected. Lisa says that John isn't a real man; she believes she's in this relationship alone. Lisa encourages John to confront her with problems, but when he does, she belittles her boyfriend and accuses him of being weak.
Poor John, helpless and lost, he meets a lady at work who openly listens to what he has to say. Instead of oppressing him with words of reproach, this sagacious woman assists John in becoming a better man. John and the woman eventually end up sleeping together.I'm not saying men should cheat; I'm saying that as women, we should reassure our men in relationships so they don't get the urge to cheat.
Ladies, men are a lot more fragile and insecure than we think; they need support from us. We should do whatever we can to make them feel loved and needed.5 simple ways to make our men feel worthy and loved are:
1. Say at least one positive thing to your partner a day.
2. Tell your man you love him more often.
3. Focus more on the positive things in your relationship.
4. Convince him that it is okay to confront you with problems.
5. Constantly reassure him he is the best thing that ever happened to you.
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