Monday, 27 December 2010
Thursday, 23 December 2010
Two girls went to the cemetery in search of an adventure. They left with something that couldn't be explained. What they failed to understand is that they were already there. We are there now! Wake up people!
You know what would be really cool?
We should sneak into that cemetery up the street.
Which one? The historical one?
No, the one with the McDonald's and the jungle gym in front, of course the historical one.
Disintegrated pieces of slaves rotting in the ground, now that's something I totally want to check out.
29 minutes later
Oh shit, this creeps me out. I've never danced with the dead.
Did you remember to bring the stuff?
Yeah, I got it don't worry; I can't believe you coerced me into doing this. It's so dark. Are we supposed to climb over that gate? I thought funerary grounds were usually open to the public.
Yeah, just hoist yourself up onto the bar.
This probably isn't a good idea; we should go back.
Don't renege now; we've already walked this far.
(sighs) OK OK..
Stagnant air makes me feel as if I'm waiting for something to happen.
I know; this is somewhat eerie.
Light it up. You think anyone can smell it?
Like who, we're the only ones out here.
57 minutes later
You see that tree over there?
Yeah, what about it?
It slightly resembles a Heglig tree.
You can name trees; that's astonishingly cool.
Yeah I can sense things too; I'm convinced they're with me all the time.
Who is with you all the time?
Those people standing over there.
What people?
Over there....
I don't see anyone. Are you fucking with me?
They're coming towards us; let's go.
Please don't hurt us! Who are you? What are you?
You must never tell anyone you saw us! Never tell anyone you saw us!
Run! Come on Let's go!
Wait...hold on, I can't jump over that gate as quickly as you.
Of course you can, just hike up your skirt; here I'll help you.
A police car just went by, what if they saw us? We're in so much trouble.
It doesn't matter; hurry up, I can hear them breathing.
13 days later
You've been acting a little strange ever since that night. What's up with you?
Just leave me alone, OK.
What was that we saw out there.
I don't know, but let's pretend it never happened and it'll go away.
16 days later
Somethings growing inside of me.
What are you talking about?I think something followed us home that night.
Have you told anyone what we saw?
Only Mark...
Why did you do that? We were specifically told not to say anything!
Am I supposed to keep something like that in? He wouldn't whisper it to a soul.
19 days later
(Screams) Please get it out of me.
What do you want me to do?Just get it out of me.
argh...I can feel something inside me too. What's happening to us?
27 days later
Where are we?
All of the animals are running in that direction. Let's follow them Let's hide behind these trees quick.
What do you think happens to us when we die?
Who knows, we probably just rot in the ground.
What about heaven and hell? Don't you believe in it?
Both are in the center of the earth.
What are you saying, do you think we're dead?
Why do your hands look like that? What's happening? What is that? Please Mister. Leave him alone. Don't do that. Please Mister. He's with me. Where are you taking him??
Welcome to Hell
Several years ago a book was published, entitled Beyond Death's Door by Dr. Maurice Rawlings. Dr. Rawlings, a specialist in Internal Medicine and Cardiovascular Disease, resuscitated many people who had been clinically dead. Dr. Rawlings, a devout atheist, "considered all religion "hocus-pocus" and death nothing more than a painless extinction". But something happened in 1977 that brought a dramatic change in the life of Dr. Rawlings! He was resuscitating a man, terrified and screaming — descending down into the flames of hell:
"Each time he regained heartbeat and respiration, the patient screamed, "I am in hell!" He was terrified and pleaded with me to help him. I was scared to death. . . Then I noticed a genuinely alarmed look on his face. He had a terrified look worse than the expression seen in death! This patient had a grotesque grimace expressing sheer horror! His pupils were dilated, and he was perspiring and trembling — he looked as if his hair was "on end."Then still another strange thing happened. He said,"Don't you understand? I am in hell. . . Don't let me go back to hell!" . . .the man was serious, and it finally occurred to me that he was indeed in trouble. He was in a panic like I had never seen before."
(Maurice Rawlings, Beyond Death's Door,(Thomas Nelson Inc., 1979) p. 3).
Wednesday, 22 December 2010
Saturday, 23 October 2010
She Hate Me

Saturday, 9 October 2010
Through her eyes

All alone I stand facing the world, drowning in fear and emotions. Vivid images fill my head at night. Dreaming of a world vicariously through another, or is it me?
Forgetting who I was yesterday and realizing who I am today. Another reality, another promise, another vision, another Me.
I understand my own reality quite well but fail to understand others. People estrange themselves from me because of this.
And this is where it leads........
She wanted to be with her. She was in a relationship that didn't make her happy. He beat all the sadness out of her. He took away everything she worked so hard for. But it was what Daddy wanted. Daddy wanted her to be with someone who had money. Daddy wanted her to be with someone like him. Immaculate, bright, and sharp from a distance. Nothing else really mattered.
He would never allow her to be with another woman. Morally wrong. Unscrupulous. It was completely unorthodox and unjust for any daughter of his.
But if only he could meet her, and see what she saw, he would change his mind.
Conforming was the right thing to do. It was what people expected from you, and it was the only way to be accepted. Everyone seeks acceptance. We awake every morning craving change, and facile solutions for our dully neglected lives; but with change comes judgement, so we reject it.Making change work for you is allowing yourself to feel every moment, but our insurmountable fears of becoming a new person negate all possibilities for change.
They'll never accept who you are so just be what you are.
He wanted me to change several times, but she wouldn't let me. And still daddy prefers him in spite of our differences, and unrelenting anger.
Although a woman was able to cater to her emotional needs, she found it difficult to love her. Before she could be with another woman, she needed to understand the woman in herself.
By excluding men, are we as women rejecting the feminine aspects of ourselves?
But whenever she's far away, my feelings grow distant and all the emptiness in the world comes tumbling beneath me.
Everyone should confront loneliness at least once in their lives.
Should I pity myself?
There's no need to pity myself today for I'll only become another person tomorrow.
Wednesday, 22 September 2010
Strange Love
He thought I was attractive. On the way home he entertained the idea of making love to me. He stripped down completely naked and said if I didn't make love to him, he would shoot me.
For some odd reason, I couldn't see his face. The blurred images of his nose and mouth made no sense to me.
I told him I'd give him what he wanted if he let me go.
I pretended to care about what he wanted; I pretended to like him.
"Taking something that belongs to you really isn't a good idea."
Finally, he let me go.
While driving home I thought about how I almost died. It didn't feel as if I were driving on the road. I felt as if I were walking on water.
Once I got home, my foot went dead. I knew something bad was going to happen. I turned around and he was standing there.
He had followed me home. He wanted to meet my family. I told him he could.
"First let me call my mom and tell her you're coming up. Please, I don't want to scare her."
" I could see him still holding the gun."
"If you want a shot at redemption, you're gonna have to put that thing away.""Why are you even here?" "I thought we had a deal." "Remember the talk we had about not taking from others."
"It's something about what you said to me. No one's ever spoken to me that way before."
"It seems men usually open up to people who have confidence in them."
"Why are you so afraid of me?" "We shouldn't fear what we don't know. It only thwarts our growing process and inhibits us from evolving into more capable human beings."
"So are you saying I should trust you?"
"No, I'm saying you should learn me." "We were meant to be together."
"But why can't I see your face, I only need to see your face."
Come sit next to me , and Ill show you what I'm talking about.
"Place your hand next to mine, and tell me you don't feel that energy. It's so strong and warm."
I noticed a mystical light forming around his hands.
It was that moment I realized we were supposed to be.
But I wasn't sure how I should react.
2 hours ago this guy held a gun to my head and forced me to make love to him.
But I couldn't deny this feeling.
He kissed me.
Right before I felt his tongue slip into my mouth, I woke up.
A dream.
I opened my eyes to see him standing over me with a gun.
I could see his face.
It was my father.
Right before he shot me, he forced me to make love to him.
Wednesday, 15 September 2010
The Way You Make Me Feel

Friday, 10 September 2010
Somewhere Within

Without a deity
What hypocrisy
Why can't society
Just embrace me
And understand that
True elements of the earth
Are what shape me
And how are we supposed to grow
Without guidance in our lives
And no place to go
Just open up your heart
And confront your soul
You know you're living a lie
When there seems to be no control
Secret societies sit by and say do as you're told
Why is it more difficult to embrace our true selves
When we're faced with getting old
Tuesday, 7 September 2010
Everywhere but Nowhere

Tuesday, 24 August 2010
My First Three Months as a Vegetarian

My first month without meat was very challenging. I felt light headed throughout the day and I was always hungry. Whenever one is detoxifying or freeing their body from any toxins, they should drink a lot of water.
Water flushes toxins out of your body and it temporarily eases hunger pains. For the most part I felt lighter, but I barely made it through the day on eggs and peanuts; I still was unsure about what I could and couldn't eat.
Number 1 rule as a vegetarian.
"It's very important to eat many different kinds of foods a day. As a non meat eater, your body needs nutrients from different foods."
My second month
The diet began to take a toll on my me. Patches of dry skin began to form all over my body. It was gross and very unattractive. It itched like crazy. After doing lots of research, I discovered I had developed a nasty skin condition called eczema.
Being the stubborn woman that I am, I recalcitrated against a visit to the doctor so that I could take my body through a natural healing process. The eczema was horrifying. Sometimes I would wake up in the middle of the night because the scratching was unbearable. Usually soaking in a hot bath temporarily eased the pain.
Natural ways to heal eczema
-eat raw foods
-keep body well moisturized at all times
-drink lots of water
-don't exert yourself or engage in too much physical activity
-get plenty of rest
-abstain from eating too much sugar
It seemed as though my body was cleansing itself through my skin. A person's body heals through different organs during the detoxifying process. Being that skin is the largest organ of the body it can absorb many good and bad things. Everyone said I should go to the doctor but I saw my eczema as a good thing. It was my body's way of getting rid of all the bad stuff I had eaten throughout the years. Rashes or scars are usually a sign of healing.
My third month
I put myself on a sugar free diet and continued to eat raw foods. Raw foods are filled with amino acids which are building blocks of proteins. When cooking, amino acids in foods can be destroyed hence raw foods are much healthier for the body. I also managed to get 10-11 hours of sleep a night. On average, I took 2-3 showers a day. It's important to keep your body clean while naturally healing from eczema.
Gradually, my eczema began to heal. The scars were slowly starting to disappear. During the first three months, I also experienced acne.
Tips for getting rid of acne
Step 1-steam your face to open up your pores
Step 2- deep clean your pores with face wash (exfoliate at least once a week)
Step 3- close pores with cold water (I sometimes use 100% pure honey to close my pores)
Step 4- moisturizer
A vegetarian diet can be very dangerous if not done properly. A healthy and balanced vegetarian diet includes:
Vegetarian diets are sacrificing but are definitely rewarding in the end. Here are some benefits from my new healthy diet.
Wednesday, 18 August 2010
Why men cheat: A glimpse into the male perspective.

Damsels in distress, why are we so afraid of opening up and loving our men unconditionally? I absolutely loathe those four brooding words: He cheated on me!
"He cheated on me; he doesn't deserve me; I'm leaving him.
Let's take a step back and focus on the real issue: Have you ever stopped to think why he cheated on you? When a man cheats, it doesn't mean he doesn't love you; it's just his indirect way of saying you don't recognize his worth.
"But doesn't he know how much I appreciate him?"
Let's look at some reasons men don't feel adored by their significant others:
1. When your boyfriend confronts you, do you berate him like a four year old child, or do you openly listen to what he has to say?
2. Do you make him feel incompetent even though he gives it his all?
3. Do you make him feel trusted and appreciated by focusing on the positive things he has done for you?
Ladies, once our men start to feel useless and overlooked, resentment settles in. Once he resents you, there's a big chance he'll end up cheating on you.
Consistently cherishing his love may assuage his desires to be with another woman.
Lisa and John have been dating for nearly 3 years. Once Lisa discovered John was cheating, she immediately shut him out and denied all chances of loving him again.
"I don't understand your motives in seeking sexual satisfaction outside this relationship."
John loves Lisa very much, but his needs and ambitions are completely unfathomable to her.
He needs to feel as though Lisa is gaining something from this relationship; instead John believes he is a complete waste of her time.
Men do everything in their power to solve women's problems and make their lives easier. If we as women constantly reject our men's right to support us, they may seek comfort elsewhere.
John tries to talk to Lisa, but whenever he does he feels hopelessly rejected. Lisa says that John isn't a real man; she believes she's in this relationship alone. Lisa encourages John to confront her with problems, but when he does, she belittles her boyfriend and accuses him of being weak.
Poor John, helpless and lost, he meets a lady at work who openly listens to what he has to say. Instead of oppressing him with words of reproach, this sagacious woman assists John in becoming a better man. John and the woman eventually end up sleeping together.I'm not saying men should cheat; I'm saying that as women, we should reassure our men in relationships so they don't get the urge to cheat.
Ladies, men are a lot more fragile and insecure than we think; they need support from us. We should do whatever we can to make them feel loved and needed.5 simple ways to make our men feel worthy and loved are:
1. Say at least one positive thing to your partner a day.
2. Tell your man you love him more often.
3. Focus more on the positive things in your relationship.
4. Convince him that it is okay to confront you with problems.
5. Constantly reassure him he is the best thing that ever happened to you.
Friday, 30 July 2010
Problem Child

"One of us is leaving this world and it isn't going to be me."
By the age of 3, I had evolved into this selfish, misanthropic wench refusing to take orders from anyone.
So mother ordered me to clean my room. "No,"I quickly told her. For some strange reason, she believed locking me in a chamber was going to teach me a lesson.
This was simply ludicrous to me. "Why should I listen to anything she says?"
I unlocked the door and strutted into the living room where my mom was watching TV. She watched me with mere concentration as I pranced directly in front of the television set. I walked with a kind of saunter as if I didn't have a care in the world.
While focusing in on her face, I pulled my pants down, squatted and took a shit right there on her living room carpet.
Appalled, outraged, and uneasy, my mom just about had enough, and it was that very moment, she believed she was going to jail for the murder of her first born.
She then sent me to the kitchen and told me to sit down while she baked a cake for my father's birthday.
I soon grew restless observing my mom as she mixed up ingredients in my favorite red bowl. I felt as if I should be doing something. I was missing out on all the action.
The doorbell rang! "Stay put," said my mom. "I'll be right back so don't touch ANYTHING."
This should be easy I thought. 3 or 4 minutes had gone by and I was starting to get itchy feet.
"That cake mix sure does smell good, and it looks good too, sitting in that bowl all messy and stuff."
I unhesitatingly dipped my finger into the bowl just to get a taste. What's one taste going to hurt; she will never know.
Before I knew it, I was dipping my fingers into the bowl and onto my scalp. It was cool and refreshing.
"My mom shouldn't mind this at all. What harm could anything to do my hair if it smelt this good?"
"You're nothing but a damn problem child!"
"That's what you are!"
"You need a playmate!"
"Oh lord, I knew I should've had another child right after you"
By the time she delivered that last line, the cake mix had deeply sunk into my scalp.
I mean it was everywhere. It looked as if someone had dropped an entire box of baking soda onto my head.
Infuriated, mommy dearest did what she knew best: She beat me!
She beat me all day long. Whenever she was reminded of cake mix or dog shit, I awoke to the sounds of belt straps working over my back. By the end of the day, red thick welts began to form all over my body.
By the time my father arrived, I had given up. I was already packing my things. Well things I believed would protect me from the dark and lonely world: A pickle cheese sandwich and my Flo Jo Barbie doll with the long pink finger nails.
In retrospect, I don't know which was more disturbing: The fact that I considered running away at such a young age or the idea of my mom allowing me to run away at a such a young age.
My mom still recounts those stories with me saying I was the problem child of the century, the worst child anyone could ever bring into this world.
But at least I was HER problem child, and no matter how much of a pain in the ass I was, nothing was ever going to keep us apart.
Happy Birthday Mr. President
I couldn't believe it; I was actually accepting a respectable award from a man who thinks Africa is a nation.
I was confused: Should I be elated or merely concerned for my future?
Ten minutes later a limousine arrived, and I was one step closer to having all my dreams come true. On the way to the whitehouse, I thought of several hot topics to address with Mr. President. Maybe we could discuss the peaceful co-existence between human and fish or maybe he could explain what that actually means. If our president is revered as one of the most honest and virtuous men in our country, why do I get the feeling he knows where to get some blowe?
Here we are: Ten steps away from the Big White!
The moment I stepped into the oval office I was floured with all these feelings of pleasure. I had to tell someone, but everyone looked incredibly tense with fear, so I decided to lighten up the mood a bit. I looked over at the woman standing next to me and said:
"Is it me or has President Bush grown incredibly sexy within the last year."
"Uhmmm...." The young woman murmured under her breath. She completely ignored my inept remark about the president and continued to sip her club soda.
"No need to answer, I just thought I would get the word out."
There he was, unlike any man I had ever seen before: sagacious, kind, and easy going. There was a brief moment of silence, as everyone quickly scanned him with their eyes.
So what if he wasn't aware that blacks existed in other countries; and so what if he was kind enough to ask the President of Brazil if they had blacks too-maybe he was trying to make small talk. He was, in my opinion, utterly breathtaking. The idea of repressing my salacious thoughts about him any longer was too much to bear.
"He should know the truth."
"Oh dear president, if only you knew I entered this contest, not just to accept an award from you but only to be closer to you."
"Ok, here goes!"
Mr. President!
Startled by my untimely outburst, everyone quickly glanced in my direction.
Mr. President. There's something I want you to know, and I just can't control it in any longer.
"Yes, what is it?"
Before I was able to deliver my lines of romantic poetry, I noticed people started laughing.
"I just wanted to say that I love you."
Everyone laughed even harder.
Laconic in my expressions of love, I'm sure people found it difficult to believe that a man with Bush's charm and intelligence could ever find a woman like me sexually appealing; I mean after all , he did grow up in a desert. How could any respectable woman ever compete with that?
One of the reporters walked up to me and whispered:
"I think you might want to go to the bathroom."
Distressed and confused I rushed to the bathroom.
Oh man! What could it possibly be: a misplaced hair, ingrown nail, an unexpected visit from Aunt Menorrhea.
As soon as I stepped into the bathroom, there they were, bold as day and bright as the sun, sticking right through my shirt.
"What was I going to do, they just wouldn't go away."
There was no way I could accept my award like this; all hope was lost. I quietly escaped through the back door leaving no trace of my wretched disposition.
Riding in the cab on the way home, I thought of how I was one step closer to becoming the 2nd lady.
I picked up the phone. It was President Bush calling me to convey his admiration for my brave acts of love. He said no young lady had ever expressed romantic feelings for him in that way, and then he proceeded to give me an impressionable spiel on tribal sovereignty.
If there's one thing I've learned from this unfortunate event today it's that: Although George W. Bush has not been our most eloquent speaking president, his words still continue to manifest in all the hearts and minds of America.
And for this reason reason I've decided to duck tape my nipples whenever I go out.

Has President Bush ever made an impact on your life?
Thursday, 29 July 2010
A moment

Let's chase our shadows under the rainbow
followed by the path of the sun
as our love manifests itself through colour
and the heavens smile down upon our faces
lifting our spirits into a plume of clouds
and at night we'll face each other
under the moon shining so brightly
as darkness takes us
everywhere but nowhere
making the motion in a picture come true
nothing in this world exists
but our peace of minds so sound
Love: Something learned or something inborn?
Wednesday, 28 July 2010
Somewhere over the rainbow, you will find me
I look to you for hope, exhilaration, and uplifting advice, but instead you berate me like a four year old child. It's okay to be myself around you, just as long as it stays within your ideals of not who I am, but who you want me to be.
I understand your projected anger towards me at the moment, and I can only say I battle the same demons within myself from time to time. You say I need to learn how to deal with my emotions, but sometimes I'm unable to process what I'm feeling at the moment, and you see this as a weakness.
"Blah Blah Blah! No one understands you! The whole world's against you."
"How many times have I heard this dreadful line?"
"The entire world's against president Bush; you don't see him blogging about it.""You tolerate other's ignorance, you should speak up more."
Yes, this is one of the many unresolved conflicts I loathe to face day after day. The question is why is it so difficult for me to confront people about my emotions?
Could it be that you're a woman....
It's because I feel I shouldn't have any emotions. Or no, wait maybe it's because when I finally do muster up enough courage to deliver, you make my thoughts and feelings seem so trivial to everything else in the world.
What is this....Ricki Lake
It could also be that I'm so afraid of people knowing the truth about me, so I hold back. And the truth is that I care; it doesn't determine the outcome of my life or predict the next outfit I'm going to wear, but it hurts.
"Their piercing words seep through my bleeding heart."I hide behind what's real. I hide behind the real me because deep down inside I'm afraid people won't accept me.
So the question of the evening? Why do I need people to accept me- this unresolved issue lingering inside me.
I feel so unworthy of everyone's love and attention because I'm so afraid of finding it within myself. Maybe once I find it, I'll have to deal with what's really there and live with it day after day.
"Accept yourself, so that you won't need acceptance from anyone else."
Yes, I understand you're going through something. But I'm antagonizing myself with all these irrational thoughts of who I'm supposed to be. It may not be that important to you, but it's real to me.
Just because I can't have a candid discussion with you about what I'm going through, doesn't mean I don't love you. You're growing as a person, and I think it's fair to say I'm doing the same.
"Someone as strong and independent as me carries the burden of having it all figured it out."
"Did you just say you were strong; I'm sorry are we reading the same blog post here?"
Critical thinking questions....
Would you consider yourself a strong and independent individual?
Do you feel as if you always carry other people's burdens?
Do you think your closest friends truly accept and understand who you are as a person?
Tuesday, 27 July 2010
What is love?
We are faced with this question everyday of our lives.
He doesn't love me anymore. My insecurities have not only confused him, but drove him into the arms of another woman.
Love -something learned or something taught
I made him feel like he wasn't enough, and now he doesn't want me.
I chose to seek happiness through him instead of finding it within myself , and now he's gone.
Love-something we can't run away from; we must learn to face it.
When we broke up, he withdrew emotionally; I couldn't understand why. Maybe he was afraid. Men usually distant themselves from women when they are afraid. I should've welcomed him with open arms when he came back to me, but instead I recalcitrated against every insensitive proposal he had.
Saturday, 24 July 2010
One ticket for heaven please!
I wish I knew. One would think it should come easier with age. The older you get the more you know; but getting older is about doing the right thing with what you know and making the right decisions. So every decision I make will affect me for the rest of my life? Well, that's just too much pressure. I'd rather torture myself, and I do.
And I'm losing myself in the process......
If only I could talk to them, and tell them how I feel. I never meant for things to end up this way. She beat me, and tortured me in the most unimaginable ways but I loved her. I can't see anything. There's no heaven, stars, or big white angels to come take me away. Just the darkness of my eyes and the bottom of the ground is all I see. Wait, something is happening. My body feels heavy. My muscles are tightening and my skin is shrinking. Oh no! What is this! I notice her.
The one who did this to me. I can see my limp body lying in the coffin. I can hear them talking about saying how it was for my own good and I got what I deserved. I feel cold. Then She came to me. How was she able to feel and touch me as I was and others were not. She said that she felt lost without me. "Without you, No one will ever really know who I am." "Some people don't believe in you but everyone needs someone like you." "Most people can't see you although they know you're there."
"Most people take you for granted because they feel they can get along just fine without you."I want my soul back."

Do you believe in souls?
What do you think happens to our bodies when we die?
Do you believe in reincarnation?
"Are we there yet? How many licks until we reach the center of Heaven, mommy?"
At least my brother is devoted to his family. Don't I deserve a little more credit for not conceiving at a young age? At least our baby boy comes from a stable and loving home. I feel sorry for you.
You say I'm not resourceful, but obviously I'm doing something right, I have a job, and a damn good one too.Why do you even want me to live with you? (Subconscious mind: He needs you; he doesn't have anyone else). "I love you and I want us to be together forever." You need to be honest with yourself. (Subconscious mind: He can't face the truth).
Until then, I should be on my own. I need stability. "Ask anyone, I'm the most stable person you'll ever meet." You're always putting other people down. I believe the way you treat others is a reflection of what you feel inside. You say you're joking but every joke has a ring of truth. "Baby, I don't mean to hurt you, I'm only kidding."
If you really feel that damn peaceful then why is there a cloud of negativity looming over your head? (Subconscious mind: Deep down inside he knows that he's a failure but he refuses to present himself as a vulnerable creature). My mother may not be as worldy as you, but she has worked damn hard to build a foundation for her family. She hasn't traveled to exotic places and could barely read 15 years ago but she's always gonna be there no matter what. Dad, I honestly don't know if I can say that about you.
I know that you love me and at times you care, but seriously,what are your motives? (Subconscious mind: You're the only person that understands him).What are you feelings deep down inside? "I don't have a relationship with any of my kids." "I don't have anyone; it doesn't matter whether I live or die." You're constantly trying to prove something to yourself and others.You criticize their pain yet it parallels the anguish you caused from not being in my life.
Do you have a healthy relationship with your father? If so, is there a special bond that exists between the two of you?
Do you believe unhealthy relationships with fathers affect your percerption of life?
The way we are
He beat all the sadness out of me. Everything I worked hard to become was long lost way before we even met. With that being say, I absolutely detest everything he stands for.
I'm sure every woman has struggled in relationships. We fall in love so quickly and then wake up with these unimaginable feelings of emptiness. Deep inside our hearts, we believe he was the one but then there's that tiny little voice inside of us saying "You can do better than him." Most of us ignore this voice in fear of being alone. Some of us don't want to start over and most of us believe we'll never find another as sensitive and understanding as he. Well, I say risk it! Ladies, we must not only learn to internalize our feelings but understand them as well.
Why are we so afraid of being alone? Doesn't the solitary life you lead as a single woman evoke the same kind of sadness you feel from being with a man that doesn't love you? Most of us decide to put up with it anyway, and then we develop this cynical outlook on life. Is it healthy for us?Is this why we're incapable of loving ourselves or is it why so many others fall short of loving us?
Friday, 23 July 2010
The spotless mind
There must be some underlying issues with me. (subconscious mind- you don't feel you are worthy of love, so you feel a need to prove yourself to others). But, I'm so strong and confident: I'm capable of handling almost anything on my own. Invincible in the eye of others and intimidating to most, how could somehow like me ever feel like they had something to prove?
(subconscious mind-It is women like you that need the most support because you carry the burden of the being the most formidable opponent.
I was lost then and I'm lost now. At times I feel great, and then all of a sudden, I'm compelled to crawl into a big empty shell. I lie awake at night questioning my self-worth and capabilities. I believed experiencing solitude on all possible levels would shape me into a more self-contained person, but at times my goals seem so insurmountable, I feel like giving up. (subconscious mind-sometimes good feelings evoke emotional discrepancies from your past causing you to feel lost and helpless.
Hopefully one day I'll be able to make sense of everything going on inside of me. I can't bear to imagine going on like this forever. I really want someone to liberate me from this dark and lonely place, but I trust no one but myself. (subconscious-you must open your heart to other's love or you'll never be able to emotionally heal from the past).